Мне очень нравится учиться в своей школе, потому что она красивая и в ней работают опытные педагоги. Каждый день, проведенный в школьных стенах, проходит быстро и легко.
Ежедневно встав рано утром, я бегу с нетерпением в школу, где в восемь часов начинаются наши уроки. Но перед тем, как прозвенит звонок на урок, наша Анна Петровна, включает подвижную музыку и проводит зарядку, что дает нам заряд бодрости на предстоящий день.
My friend wants me to tell him about his trip to the sea We want our relatives stayed with us We would like to be lost Mom wants me to read a book every day boy wanted parents to praise him do you want us to help you? hurry up! I do not want so that you missed the first lesson Grandma wants us to go to the store and bought milk products who wants me to tell this story? children would like to my mother took them to the zoo he would like that he was invited to a party Our teacher wants us to do less mistakes
Good health is very important for each person. Health is result of love to itself. it is very important to watch the way of life always. peopleneglect the health. badly eat, smoke, drink, don't play sports. immunity weakens. people start being ill. then ask for the help doctors. doctors conduct examinations. make the diagnosis. and then write out tablets or pricks. all this helps to return our organism to an initial state. but because of frequent reception of medicines there is an accustoming. the medicine is very developed presently. but it isn't enough advantage of it. quinsy medicine ruins kidneys. skin diseases medicine worsens work of heart. you shouldn't hope on the doctor and drugs. not always in the power of the doctor healing of the patient. that there were no problems with health it is necessary to strengthen the immunity. to consume daily norm of vitamins, waters, fats, carbohydrates, etc. also you shouldn't forget about sport. sport plays an important role in human life. morning exercises, the correct breath, walks in the fresh air and small physical activities will help to keep a tone and good mood. health outweighs all other good things of life before that really healthy beggar, is happier than the sick king
Мне очень нравится учиться в своей школе, потому что она красивая и в ней работают опытные педагоги. Каждый день, проведенный в школьных стенах, проходит быстро и легко.
Ежедневно встав рано утром, я бегу с нетерпением в школу, где в восемь часов начинаются наши уроки. Но перед тем, как прозвенит звонок на урок, наша Анна Петровна, включает подвижную музыку и проводит зарядку, что дает нам заряд бодрости на предстоящий день.
Источник: Сочинение на тему Мой день в школе