Today I woke up at 8 o'clock. It is so late for me, I was scared. I was dressing up 10 minutes, and I lost my favourite jeans. I didn't eat my breakfast today and very quickly ran from house. Today I was standing 20 minutes on bus station, but my bus didn't come! I was running to school throw over houses, because today I must write exam on first lesson! So, I came to school too late, my friends were writting exam in our class. Teacher looked at me and answered: "Why you came in middle of lesson!?" I was really sad. On break between lessons all were lauthing and playing, I was sitting alone in the corner. But suddenly my classmate sat next to me and said: "take a pease of chocolate and don't cry!" Now I'm happy.
The invisible is sometimes frightening. – Невидимое иногда пугает.
There are many unknowns. – Есть много неизвестного.
My Japanese is very poor.
The poor were robbed of their lands. – У бедняков украли земли.
Finals were approaching. – Приближались итоговые экзамены.
This bitters is awful. – Это горькое лекарство ужасно.
I am none the better for it. = Мне от этого нисколько не легче.
If he doesn’t work, so much the worse for him. = Если он не работает, тем хуже для него.
He got the better of his enemies. = Он победил своих врагов.