GEOGE: Hmmm, there’s not much on the menu here. The beef-kabob sounds good, though. - Хм, меню сегодня не большое. Беф-кебаб свучит неплохо. BECKY: Yes, it does, but I think I’m just going to have a sandwich today. Maybe even half of one. - Да, но я думаю что сегодня обойдусь сандвичем. Может даже половиной. WAITRESS: Are you ready to order? - Вы готовы заказать? GEOGE: Yes, I think so. - Я думаю да. WAITRESS: Do you want that on separate checks? - Оплачивать будете раздельно? GEOGE: Oh, no, one’ll be fine. It’s on me today, Becky. - Нет записывайте на один счет. Сегодня я плачу, Беки. Джорж. Я угощаю в следующий раз. Я возьму французский сандвич с соусом - майонеза поменьше - и чашку кофе со сливками. GEOGE: And I’ll have the beef-kabob. - А мне беф-кебаб. WAITRESS: Okay. Anything to drink? - Что будете пить? GEOGE: What kind of beer do you have? - Какое пиво у вас есть? WAITRESS: We have Schlitz on tap, and Lowenbrau, Budweiser, and Michelob in bottles. - У нас есть Шлиц из крана, Ловенбрау, Будвайзер и Мичелоб в бутылках. GEOGE: A glass of Schlitz, please. - Стакан Шлица WAITRESS: Okay, and what kind of dressing would you like on your salad, ma’am? We have French, Thousand Island and blue cheese. - Какую заправку вы желаете в салат, мэм? У нас есть Французская, Тысяча островов и голубой сыр. BECKY: Blue cheese’ll be fine. - Голубой сыр будет замечатльно. WAITRESS: Okay, thank you. - Хорошо
1. You mustn’t place a heavy emphasis on broadening membership and constructing a wide electoral base. 2. Your decision mustn’t be the result of your preferences, but of the necessity. 3. You don’t need to look through all these documents. Here is a letter from Mr. B., he is ready to help you. 4. You don’t have to write to the committee, they have just phoned. But we must send our representative there.5. The law of a country mustn’t permit such parties to seize power and overthrow the existing constitutional structure. 6. The Government haven’t got to invent any new laws, the existing laws are very effective.7. – What sort of advertising campaign are you up to? Television? – Well, it mustn’t be television – it’s too expensive. But it must be efficient.8. This experience is very valuable. You must study it carefully and mustn’t ignore it.9. You needn’t have refused to become the leader of the political party. I know several persons who would like to support you.10. The voters didn’t need to check all documents as they found what they were looking for in the first one.11. You needn’t have controlled a mass organisation through patronage and the distribution of favours, you only wasted your time and money.12. The campaign was adequate, so she needn’t have worried about the results.
the children speaking afternoon school. the many boys and girls go to home. children very (счастливые), because lessons is over.