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09.06.2022 20:28 •  Английский язык

Нужен перевод Choosing a career is like any other activity; it is best to work to a plan. Too many people start looking for a specific job before thinking over their occupational aims. It is a good idea to begin by attempting to define in clear terms what are your requirements for the career. This involves taking a realistic view of your strengths and weaknesses. You may think for example, that you would like a job which involves organizing people, but liking such a job is not a sufficient justification if experience you already may have suggests that this is not your strong point. On the other hand, you should remember that training willl allow you to do new things. A further point to consider is whether you can do things which you do not like but know that they are necessary to achive your longer term objectives. Having thought carefully about the sort of person you are, try to work out a realistic set of occupational requirments. In particular, you must answer some important questions. First: what sort of life do you want to live? For example, do you want to live in the country or in the town? Is leisure time of great importance to you? Is the size of your salary important? Do you want to put down roots or travel widely? Second: what sort of work do you want to do? For example, do you like working alone or with others? Does teaching people appeal to you? Do you want to be an organizer of other people's activities? Do you want to develop new ideas and initiate changes?
As for me, I have made up my mind to be an engineer. As my parents are engineers they have made a great influence on my choice and I can say that this profession runs the family. My choice of this occupation didn't come as a sudden flash. I think that nowdays this profession is of great need and importance for our country. It is my aim to be a qualified specialist and to serve in the interests of my country. To be a well prepared engineer I should have some important qualities: great capability persistence, knowledge of science and, of course, knowledge of foreign languages. In spite of these arguments we musn't forget about everybody's vocation. I think that my abilities combined with the knowledge would be quite enough to succeed in my work.


Выбор карьеры похож на любой другой вид деятельности; лучше всего работать по плану. Слишком многие люди начинают искать конкретную работу до того, как задумаются над своими профессиональными целями. Хорошая идея - начать с попытки четко определить, каковы ваши требования к карьере. Это предполагает реалистичный взгляд на свои сильные и слабые стороны. Например, вы можете подумать, что вам нужна работа, которая включает в себя организацию людей, но симпатия к такой работе не является достаточным оправданием, если уже имеющийся у вас опыт подсказывает, что это не ваша сильная сторона. С другой стороны, вы должны помнить, что тренировки позволят вам делать что-то новое. Еще один момент, который следует рассмотреть, - можете ли вы делать то, что вам не нравится, но знаете, что это необходимо для достижения ваших долго целей. Тщательно обдумав, что вы за человек, попробуйте разработать реалистичный набор профессиональных требований. В частности, вы должны ответить на некоторые важные вопросы. Во-первых: какой жизнью вы хотите жить? Например, вы хотите жить в деревне или в городе? Для вас очень важен досуг? Важен ли размер вашей зарплаты? Вы хотите пустить корни или широко путешествовать? Во-вторых: какой работой вы хотите заниматься? Например, вам нравится работать в одиночку или с другими? Вам нравится учить людей? Хотите быть организатором чужой деятельности? Вы хотите развивать новые идеи и инициировать изменения? Что до меня, то я решил стать инженером. Поскольку мои родители - инженеры, они оказали большое влияние на мой выбор, и я могу сказать, что эта профессия управляет семьей. Выбор этого занятия не был внезапным. Считаю, что сегодня эта профессия очень востребована и важна для нашей страны. Моя цель - быть квалифицированным специалистом и служить интересам своей страны. Чтобы быть хорошо подготовленным инженером, я должен обладать некоторыми важными качествами: большой настойчивостью, знанием науки и, конечно же, знанием иностранных языков. Несмотря на эти аргументы, нельзя забывать о призвании каждого. Думаю, что моих в сочетании со знаниями было бы вполне достаточно для успеха в моей работе.

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While Suzanne was washing in the bathroom linen, the phone kept ringing just when her hands were stained in the soap. Had to wipe them on the apron and every now and then to run to the phone.
6. My aunt burned the next dress. She is so absent-minded that every time when stroking, anything will burn.
7. My friends are full of hope. They bought a dishwasher and now I am glad that the dishes will be washed once a day, and that not with their hands. Of course, this saves time and effort!
8. I like to vacuum. It's easier than sweeping the floor with a MOP. Bend over and don't need a special brush to clean the dust under furniture — sofa, armchair, stove. Do not spend any effort.
9. I put the stain on the blouse. Rubbed gently with a soapy cloth, but the stain is not gone, but on the contrary became even more.
10. When you lead the economy, have to deal with the usual tedious chores: Laundry, cleaning, dishwashing, Ironing, cooking.
11. My son is very inexperienced in the home. So when he washes dishes, he does not come to mind that you first need to carefully disassemble, wash cups and glasses, then plates and Cutlery, and finally the greasy pots and pans.
12. At the sink stood the mountain of dishes and even on the floor were pots. The table was strewn with skins and lined with bowls. In General, the kitchen was a terrible mess.
13. Mary hung the clothes on the rope and attached the clothespins. Stockings hung heels up.
14. I was exhausted after a General cleaning. But nothing can be done. Of course nothing is done. You have to spend time and energy to bring the house in order.
4,5(4 оценок)
While Suzanne was washing clothes in the bathroom, the phone kept ringing just when her hands were on the elbow in the soap. Every time I had to wipe them on the apron and go running to the phone every now and then.6. My aunt burned another dress. She is so absent-minded that every time she strokes, something will fall on her.7. My friends are full of hope. They bought a dishwasher and now rejoice that the dishes will be washed once a day, and even then not with their own hands. Of course, this saves time and energy!8. I like to vacuum. This is more convenient than sweeping the floor with a mop. Do not bend down and special brushes can remove dust under any furniture - sofa, armchair, stove. You do not waste any effort at all.9. I planted a stain on the blouse. I rubbed it gently with a soapy cloth, but the stain did not come off, but, on the contrary, it became even larger.10. When you run a farm, you have to deal with usual tedious business: washing, cleaning, washing dishes, ironing, cooking.11. My son is not very experienced at home. Therefore, when he washes the dishes, it does not occur to him that at first everything must be carefully disassembled, wash cups and glasses, then - plates and appliances, and at the very end - fat pans and frying pans.12. In the sink there was a mountain of dishes and even on the floor there were pots. The table was strewn with cleanings and set with bowls. In general, the kitchen was a terrible mess.13. Mary hung out the clothes on a rope and fastened with clothespins. Stockings hung upside down.14. I was fatally tired after the spring cleaning. But nothing can be done. By itself, nothing is done. You have to spend time and energy to bring the house in order.
4,7(93 оценок)
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