5 write six sentences describing how you do different things. use the verbs in the first box and adverbs formed from the adjectives in the second box. (speak playsports draw work (play computer games cook sew learn behave good hard correct polite angry successful responsible careful
1. b. When does he get up? – Usually at half past seven. 2. a. I haven’t got any brothers or sisters. I’m an only child. 3. c. I’m not hungry. I just want a bowl of soup for lunch. 4. b. I was in London in 1996. 5. b. There are lots of blocks of flats and a supermarket in my neighbourhood. 6. a. I have a hot bath and listen to the radio.. 7. c. My sister’s husband is a computer expert. 8. c. There isn’t much cheese but there are many tomatoes in the fridge. 9. a. Я ем шоколадные конфеты, а мой друг читает мне романы. 10. c. Я ищу свои очки. 11. c. Женщина просит меня ей убрать дом и сварить еду. 12. c. Я обычно останавливаюсь в квартире одного из моих друзей
I do not own a pet, but I would like to have a dog. It would be a girl. White or orange. It would be small. She's always been active to jump, run and carried out my commands. My dog would eat the dog food and treats that I gave her, she would have drank my milk, water, whatever she wants. I do not even know what kind of ability was. to her. Each pet has its own abilities and he will decide to exercise them or no one to show. I have cared for him herself, she always walked with her, washed, fed, and so on. I very much liked his faithful friend. Because the dog never give.
2. a. I haven’t got any brothers or sisters. I’m an only child.
3. c. I’m not hungry. I just want a bowl of soup for lunch.
4. b. I was in London in 1996.
5. b. There are lots of blocks of flats and a supermarket in my neighbourhood.
6. a. I have a hot bath and listen to the radio..
7. c. My sister’s husband is a computer expert.
8. c. There isn’t much cheese but there are many tomatoes in the fridge.
9. a. Я ем шоколадные конфеты, а мой друг читает мне романы.
10. c. Я ищу свои очки.
11. c. Женщина просит меня ей убрать дом и сварить еду.
12. c. Я обычно останавливаюсь в квартире одного из моих друзей