1. There is a large table in my room. (п - table, с - is) 2. There are three windows in my classroom(п - windows, c - are) 3.There is a table and four chairs in my sister's room(п - table, chairs; c - is) 4.There are a black board,four tables and five chairs in our classroom.(п - board, tables, chairs; c - are) 5.There are a text - book and two exercise-books on my table.(п - text-book, exercise-books; c - are) 6.There wasn't a school here in 1950.(п - school, c - wasn't) 7.There were very many children in the park yesterday.(п - children, c - were) п - подлежащее с - сказуемое
As for me, I have already planned my future. After I graduate from school, I'll enter the University. I will study law. I will become a lawer. This is a well-paid and very interesting job. At the age of 27 I am planning to get married. I will live in the countryside. I hope I'll have two or even three kids. I believe that all my dreams will come true.
Я уже спланировал свое будущее. После школы я поступлю в университет. Я буду изучать право. Я стану адвокатом. Это хорошо оплачиваемая и интересная работа. В возрасте 27 я планирую вступить в брак. Я буду жить за городом. Надуюсь у меня будет два или даже три ребенка. Я верю, что всё сбудется!!
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