What could be better than an evening in the pages of a book by your favorite writer? Probably nothing, because we do not noticeably fall into another world, breaking away from the hard days. Going deeper into the book, we fill our inner world with new impressions and dreams, forget about all the problems.
My favorite writer is Ray Bradbury. He managed to write many interesting works. With the help of fiction, the writer wanted to show the problems of today. The main idea of his works is the theme of the struggle between good and evil, light and darkness, knowledge and barbarism.
Ray Bradbury's novel "451 Degrees Fahrenheit" touched the deepest strings of my soul. In it, the author showed a new, future society, where totalitarianism and complete control over the people. This is horrible, because we are talking about a world where reading is a criminal act, and saving a book can turn into death.
I was very impressed by Ray Bradbury's short story "Smile". The reader is mentally transferred to the future, in 2061. People survived the nuclear war. A ruined city appears before your eyes.
In his works, Ray Bradbury highlighted very pressing issues. The writer shows people what their future may be like if they do not continue to pay attention to culture and spirituality. There is no monument to the writer yet, but I'm sure it will be erected because he deserves it. I am sure that he was able to convey to each reader the most secret and give a piece of himself, which is the most important thing for every writer.
желтый: дорогой дедушка.
это прекрасное место. Вчера мы пошли в лондонское подземелье. Это прикольно, но страшно.Сегодня днем мы идем в Тауэр и Лондонский глаз. Наш BEB в порядке - дешево. Погода не очень хорошая. Сегодня дождливо и ветрено. Но это не имеет значения. мы прекрасно проводим время. С любовью, Ник
зеленый: Дорогая Дженни, привет из Корнуолла! Здесь хорошо. Пляжи классные. Люди здесь очень дружелюбные. Вчера я была в школе виндсерфинга. Погода отличная - жарко и солнечно. Я хожу купаться каждый день. Мама и папа просто сидят на солнышке! Завтра мы идем в замок. До скорого! С любовью, Кейт
это будет behind