Past simple- это простое время, вот поэтому всегда в вопросе будет «did» 1. Did you like to drink coffee? -Ты любил пить кофе? 2. Did they go to school? - Они пошли в школу? 3. Did she run? - Она бегала? 4. Did you do homework? - Ты сделал домашнее задание? 5. Did he read this book in the morning? - Он читал эту книгу утром? 6. Did they go to the restaurant every day? -Они ходили в ресторан каждый день?
1) it - подлежащее, is - сказуемое, red - определение, car - дополнение. 2) she - подлежащее, is - сказуемое, good - определение, girl - дополнение. 3) you - подлежащее, are - сказуемое, sisters - дополнение 4) he - подлежащее, is - сказуемое, my - определение, brother - дополнение 5) I - подлежащее, am - сказуемое, pupil - дополнение. 6) he - подлежещее, is - сказуемое, boy - дополнение 7) they - подлежащее, are - сказуемое, people - дополнение 8) we - подлежащее, are - сказуемое, brothers - дополнение 9) he - подлежащее, is - сказуемое, my - определение, friend - дополнение. 10) she - подлежащее, is - сказуемое, my - определение, mother - дополнение
Sport is very important in my life. I go in for football. I can't imagine my life without sport. Three times a week after lessons I go to play football. Our practice usually lasts two or three hours. We work very hard, that's why our team is one of the best in our city. Every time we have a match my parents come to support me. My father is a real football fan. He often takes me to the stadium to support our local team. We often watch international football matches on TV. When he was a boy he played football, too. I'm not sure that I will become a football trainer. But I'm sure that I'll play football to old age.
Я старалась !)