Переведите текст на .яз.: это я в цирке.меня сфоткали человеком пауком,веном,с котом в сапогах и с черепашками ниндзя. я был одет в свитер,брюки и в туфли. мне тогда было 8 лет. мне было там весело.
This is me in the circus. I sfotkali man spider, Venom, with a cat in boots and ninja turtles. I was wearing a sweater, pants and shoes. I was then 8 years old. I was having fun there.
1. we have shown a very strange picture. 2. you are looking for. go home. 3. all of you are invited to the hall, and talk about all the changes in the school curriculum. 4. why is it always above the laugh? 5. we are all given tickets to the exhibition. 6. lectures of the famous professor always listen with great attention. 7. wait for me? 8. they were asked three difficult questions. 9. the director has already been sent. wait a bit. 10. all were invited to the big hall. 11. these letters are viewed. they can be sent. 12. at the station they were met by a guide and drove to the hotel. 13. these logs must be returned to the library next week. 14. in our classes, a lot of attention is given to pronunciation. 15. ivanov told to explain why he skips classes. 16. i was invited to your evening? 17. children left home alone.
This is me in the circus. I sfotkali man spider, Venom, with a cat in boots and ninja turtles. I was wearing a sweater, pants and shoes. I was then 8 years old. I was having fun there.