Use prepositions or adverbs if necessary: 1) Canada is the world’s second largest country. It occupies the whole ...
the northern part ... the North American Continent. It is washed ... the Pacific Ocean ... the west,... the Arctic Ocean ... the north, and ... the Atlantic Ocean ... the east. It borders on (граничит) the United States ... the south. Canada has nearly 15 percent ... the world’s fresh water surface (поверхность). There are so many lakes ... Canada that they have never been counted. The climate ... the eastern and central parts ... Canada is continental... hot summers and cold winters, but... the southwestern and southern parts ... the country the climate is mild. Canada’s forests are one ... her greatest resources. 2) The language ... Australia is English. The climate ... Australia varies... tropical... the cool and temperate. Australia is the driest continent... the Earth. About one half... its territory is occupied ... deserts (пустыни) and semideserts. The commonest trees ... Australia are the eucalyptus, ... which there are over 500 kinds. There are also ocacia or mimosa, which is the national emblem ... Australia. Even stranger than plants are the animals. There live kangaroos, duckbills (утконосы), koalas (or koala bears) and a great number... different birds, parrots... them.
1. She has some new dresses.
У нее есть несколько новых платьев.
2. I don't need any help.
Мне не нужна Положи немного сахара в мой кофе.
4. We haven't any apples in the fridge.
У нас нет яблок в холодильнике.
5. There are some books on the table.
На столе лежит несколько книг.
6. Have you any pencils?
У тебя есть карандаши?
7. She bought some toys for you yesterday.
Она купила тебе несколько игрушек вчера.
8. Are there any children in the room?
В комнате есть дети?
9. Do they have any friends?
У них есть друзья?
10. There were some cars on the road.
На дороге было несколько машин.
ета ответ перепыши ета моя кныга