1.the new theater is not built yet, right? 2.when will published your book? 3.these cards usually send birthday.4.the same melody played when i got home from work.5.your things packed in time? - yes,thank you.6.the house was in perfect order. everything was set, the floor is cleaned and the curtains washed.7.whose report is now being discussed? 8.nick had not seen.9.eat fruit before meals.10.we got to the theater, as tickets had been booked.21.quiet! the big news.2.how long to repair the apartment? 3.this was said especially for you.4.it will not cure if it does not go to the hospital.5.this pie is easy to prepare.6.i didn't think it was. - well, did you really watched? 7.was not lost for a single minute. had made all necessary preparations.8.the car is not painted. it has already dried.9.the name already chosen by that time, as the child was born? 10.i was afraid that the error will still be noticed
1) Belgium(Бельгия)
2) Austria(Австрия)
3) Spain(Испания)
4) Italy(Италия)
5) Croatia(Хорватия)
1) Armenia(Армения)
2) Qatar(Катар)
3) Cyprus(Кипр)
4) Japan(Япония)
5) China(Китай)
1) Algeria(Алжир)
2) Senegal(Сенегал)
3) Egypt(Египет)
4) Marocco (Марокко)
5) Kenya(Кения)
North America(Северная Америка)
1) Haiti(Гаити)
2) Mexico (Мексика)
3) Canada( Канада)
4) Jamaica(Ямайка)
5) Domenican Republic(Домениканская республика)
South America(Южная Америка)
1) Argentina( Аргентина)
2) Brazil(Бразилия)
3) Peru(Перу)
4) Chili(Чили)
5) Columbia(Колумбия)
1) Australia(Австралия)
2) Nauru(Науру)
3) Samoa(Самоа)
4) Tonga(Тонга)
5) Fidgi(Фиджи)
1) Antarctic(Антарктида)
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