1. Tanya speaks German very well
2. I don't often drink coffee
3. Julie doesn't drink tea very often
4. What time does the bank close?
5. - What do you do? I am an electrician
6. David isn't very fit. He doesn't do any sport
7. What does your brother do?
8. Which one do you read a newspaper?
9. Oh, did you? What is he doing these days?
10. I am getting tired. I need a rest
11. Tim isn't working today. He's taken the day off
12. I am looking for Sophie. So you know where she is?
13. Paul and Sally have had an argument. They aren't speaking to each other
14. Not bad. It was not so good at first, but it is getting better now.
15. Let's go out. It isn't raining now
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