Reading Task 2. Read the excerpt from a discussion between the professor of a business class and a guest
speaker. Notice the words in bold Read each statement. Teacher should pay attention to the
usage of comparative degree adjective adverb structures
Online Reviews: ort?
Professor: So. Dennis, what changes have you seen in marketing recently?
Dennis: Well, as you know.customers love to post
st online reviews of products these days.
These reviews are now just as important as traditional advertising. Maybe even
more important. TV advenising is a useful as it was before. Of course. On the
other hand, newspaper ads are much less effective than they used to be.
Professor: Hmm. That's interesting. I've spoken to some marketing people who aren't as
positive as you are about online reviews.
Dennis: Really? I'm surprised. There are certainly some concems with online reviews. For
example. satisfied customers are less likely to write reviews than people who
have had a problem. This means there might be more negative reviews than
positive ones. But online shoppers are wiser now. A few negative opinions are
not as harmful as they used to be. Also, the positive reviews can be as valuable
as ads. If a customer loves a product, he or she will endorse it just as
enthusiastically as a TV ad does!
Circle TRUE or FALSE.
1. Dennis thinks that online reviens are not very important in marketing.
2. Newspaper ads used to be more effective.
3. Some marketing people have a negative opinion of online reviews.
4. Customers with problems are more likely to write online reviews.
5. Online shoppers won't buy a product if they see a negative review.
Гидрокси́д на́трия (лат. Nátrii hydroxídum; другие названия — каустическая сода, едкий натр) — неорганическое химическое вещество, самая распространённая щёлочь, химическая формула NaOH. В год в мире производится и потребляется около 57 миллионов тонн едкого натра.
Интересна история тривиальных названий как гидроксида натрия, так и других щелочей. Название «едкая щёлочь» обусловлено свойством разъедать кожу (вызывая сильные ожоги), бумагу и другие органические вещества. До XVII века щёлочью (фр. alkali) называли также карбонаты натрия и калия. В 1736 году французский учёный Анри Дюамель дю Монсо впервые различил эти вещества: гидроксид натрия стали называть каустической содой, карбонат натрия — кальцинированной содой, а карбонат калия — поташом. В настоящее время содой принято называть натриевые соли угольной кислоты. В английском и французском языках слово sodium означает натрий, potassium — калий.