In the following sentences change the italicized verb so as to use the past tense, and then so as to use the past participle:
1. Our books lie on the mantel.
2. John comes in and lays his books on the desk.
3. I see the parade.
4. He runs up the road.
5. They set their chairs in a row.
6. The noise wakes me.
7. Cæsar bids him enter.
8. If they prove their innocence, they should be discharged.
9. His friends plead strongly for him.
10. Do you know what they mean by that?
11. I awake early every morning.
12. He begins to think ofstrange things.
13. The children beseech me to go with them.
14. My mother bids me to say that she will be here at six.
15. Smith bids fifty dollars for the chair.
16. My servants break many dishes.
17. They choose their associates.
18. The box bursts open.
19. His mother chides him for his misbehavior.
20. He comes here every day.
21. I deal there this week.
22. The boys dive beautifully.
23. You do so much more than is necessary.
24. They draw lots for the watch.
25. Jones drinks this wine very seldom.
26. They drive over to Milton once a week.
27. They drive a sorrel horse.
28. The cows eat grass.
29. The Gauls flee before Cæsar.
30. The swallows all fly into the chimney at evening.
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31. They forsake the cause without any reason.
32. Cæsar gives them no answer.
33. They get no money for their services.
34. You forget that we have no right to do that.
35. Water freezes at thirty-two degrees Fahrenheit.
36. The ball goes to the opposing team.
37. You hang the rope on the tree.
38. The sheriff hangs the murderer at noon.
39. I know of nothing more worrying.
40. She lays the knife on the table.
41. They lie in bed until eleven.
42. Why they rise so late, I do not know.
43. They raise no objection.
44. John runs very rapidly.
45. You sit very quietly.
46. Cæsar seeks to learn the intention of the enemy.
47. The politician vigorously shakes all hands.
48. The roofsheds water in allstorms.
49. The blacksmith shoes horses.
50. The choir sings for each service
The polar bear iron muscles. From the cold it saves a thick layer of fat and skin of the thick, warm coat. Even the soles of the clutches of protected fur. This beast is able to swim in the icy water of tens of kilometers. He had the best dives. At that, his eyes are opened, and the nostrils and ears of the white bear is able to close. The beast that has excellent hearing and sight. He smells production for 5-7 kilometers and capable to catch the faintest smell through the thick layer of snow.
White bear can be very long without food. But when there is a production, he immediately took from 10 to 25 kilograms. And so quickly accumulates fat that he could be the envy of any beauty