1) Have you ever driven a car? I didn't. What about you? Me too. But I'd like to walk the car. Me too.
2) Do you watch the news? - Yeah, that's bad news. The police are looking for two criminals who escaped from prison on Wednesday.
3) Where Is Morris? In the library. I was just there and saw him. He's translating. - I think he's been translating this article for a week. He started translating it on Thursday and is still working on it.
4) Neither the famous writer nor his family came to the full city last year.
5) Please do not enter the room. They clean it.
6) Summer in Moscow very feel hot. It often rains. What's the weather like in summer in London?
7) When we came home, our daughter was listening to music,but she still hadn't cooked dinner.
8) I love reading adventure stories and I hate watching horror movies.
9) When will you help me? - I'll help you as soon as I finish my job. It's so hard, but it should be done in time.
10) very few students in your group received good marks on the exam. I'd work harder if I were you.
Программирование по своей сути – сложный процесс, в результате которого появляется готовый продукт, имеющий практическое применение в какой-либо отрасли. Чтобы грамотно и четко создать жизне программу, специалист должен обладать серьезными знаниями и навыками, а также нетривиальным подходом к вопросу.
Хороший программист обязан быть предельно внимательным и вдумчивым, склонным к анализу и скрупулезному труду. Он должен быть человеком практичного характера и уметь находить кратчайший путь к цели. При этом он должен обладать также фантазией и творческим мышлением.
Таким образом, программист должен сочетать в себе два противоположных начала, одновременно и гуманитарный, и технический склад ума. Разумеется, это вовсе не простой момент, и молодые люди, стремящиеся к этой профессии, должны учитывать тот факт, что при относительной слабости одной из составляющих высокий уровень становится просто невозможным.
Тем не менее, эта профессия действительно перспективна, привлекательна своей многогранностью и широко востребована во всем мире.
Programming to its essence is a difficult process, as a result of which finished product having practical application in any branch emerges. Grammatically and to create clearly a viable program, the specialist should possess serious knowledges and skills, as well as nontrivial approach to the question. A good programmer is obliged to be to extremely close and thoughtful scrupulous labour susceptible to analysis and. He should be the person of feasible nature and to be able to find a shortest way to the purpose. At the same time he should possess as well imagination and creative thinking. In such a manner, the programmer should combine two opposite beginnings, simultaneously both humanitarian, and technical mentality. Of course, it not at all simple moment, and young people seeking to this trade, should.