What’s the matter? You DON'T SEEM very happy.’ – ‘I AM WRITING an essay. I AM THINKING over the plan.’
2. ‘Try this pizza! Help yourself!’ – ‘Oh, it SMELLS fine and it TASTES fine. You COOK well!’
3. ‘She HAS a nice room in' the hotel.’ –‘ DOES she HAVE a bath?’ – ‘No, but she HAS a shower and she LIKES it.’
4. ‘DOES your family LEAVE Taganrog in summer?’ – ‘Yes, we always GO to the country. We all LIKE the countryside. Mother STAYS with us to the end of August, but father RETURNS much earlier.’
5. DO you SEEthe man in blue shirt? DO you RECOGNIZE him?
6. I DON'T UNDERSTAND this word. What DOES it MEAN?
7. 'What ARE you DOING?' – 'I WANTto cook something for dinner '– 'ARE you EATING out today?' – 'No, we ARE STAYING at home. '
8. Stop crying. I HATE complaints
A farmer - farmers
a country - countries
a city - cities
a day - days
a leaf - leaves
an address - addresses
a lemon - lemons
an apple - apples
a child - children
a man - men
a house - houses
a mouse - mice
a tooth - teeth
a photo - photos
hair - только единственное число
a potato - potatoes
a box - boxes
a hobby - hobbies
an exercise-book - exercise-books
a piano - pianos
a son-in-law - sons-in-law
a wife - wives
a gallery - galleries
а woman - women
a toy - toys
a roof - roofs
a foot - feet
money - только единственное число.
(calm) - calmly
(hard) - hardly
(good) - better