1. A memorial cross in honor of the 200th anniversary of the formation of the Kharkov Diocese was consecrated by Metropolitan Volodymyr on the territory of the Intercession Monastery on October 3, 1999.
2. The monument to the Hieromartyr Alexander (Petrovsky), Archbishop of Kharkov, was erected near the church named after him on Svyato-Alexandrovskaya Square. The author of the monument is sculptor Anna Ivanova.
3. The Alley of Memory of those who died during the Great Patriotic War was opened on April 24, 2010 near the KSU "PUA" in honor of the 65th anniversary of the Victory. Under each tree of the alley, there is earth in capsules from all the Hero Cities and from the places of the bloodiest battles of the Great Patriotic War.
4. The sculpture of an outstanding surgeon, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Archbishop Luka (Voino-Yasenetsky) is installed in the niche of the building of the clinic "Doctor Alex" on the street. Vorobyov 4, from the side of Vorobyov Lane
5. The monument to the outstanding astronomer, academician Nikolai Barabashov, is installed near the entrance to the museum of the Research Institute of Astronomy of Kharkiv University. V. N. Karazin on the territory of the astronomical observatory
Past Simple 1) I started my business a year ago. 2) Anel cooked pizza yesterday. 3) Aidana spoke Russian at the meeting. 4) They painted the walls with light-green. 5) I drank a cap of coffee ten minutes ago. 6) She saw him in the park two days ago. 7) They saw the film last week. 8) I was a teacher many years ago. Past Progressive 1) I was cooking for my parents yesterday at 5 o'clock. 2) Teacher was teaching to me new lesson all the time at english class. 3) They were having breakfast when I came. 4) Children were reading a book when teacher came. 5) I was speaking English at that moment. 6) I was going to Nazarbaev school the morning. 7) They saw the film last week. 8) I was a teacher many years ago.
Past Progressive
1) I was cooking for my parents yesterday at 5 o'clock. 2) Teacher was teaching to me new lesson all the time at english class. 3) They were having breakfast when I came. 4) Children were reading a book when teacher came. 5) I was speaking English at that moment. 6) I was going to Nazarbaev school the morning. 7) My sister was reading a book yesterday at 7 o'clock. 8) She was sleeping when I come home
День святого Патрик - старый праздник в честь небесного покровителя Ирландии ежегодно отмечают по всему миру 17 марта. В этот день в городах проходят массовые шествия с танцами и песнями.
День святого Патрика является государственным праздником в Ирландии[11], Северной Ирландии[12], на острове Монтсеррат[13] и в канадской провинции Ньюфаундленд и Лабрадор. В Канаде этот праздник лоббирует фирма Гиннесс[14]. Он также широко отмечается ирландской диаспорой по всему миру, особенно в Великобритании, Канаде, США, Аргентине, Австралии и Новой Зеландии.
Торжества в День святого Патрика обычно включают парады и фестивали, исполнение танцев кейли и ношение зелёной одежды или трилистников. Христиане в этот день также посещают церковные службы. В этот день смягчаются ограничения, связанные с постом, и разрешается употребление алкоголя.
мне этот праздник кажется интересным, он чем-то напоминает мне нашу Пасху.