vi ’m looking for a career which will give me plenty of to use my foreign languages.
a. area c. scope
b. room d. spacei ’m looking for a career which will give me plenty of to use my foreign languages.
a. area c. scope
b. room d. spacei ’m looking for a career which will give me plenty of to use my foreign languages.
a. area c. scope
b. room d. spacei ’m looking for a career which will give me plenty of to use my foreign languages.
a. area c. scope
b. room d. spacei ’m looking for a career which will give me plenty of to use my foreign languages.
a. area c. scope
b. room d. spacei ’m looking for a career which will give me plenty of to use my foreign languages.
a. area c. scope
b. room d. spacei ’m looking for a career which will give me plenty of to use my foreign languages.
a. area c. scope
b. room d. spacei ’m looking for a career which will give me plenty of to use my foreign languages.
a. area c. scope
b. room d. spacei ’m looking for a career which will give me plenty of to use my foreign languages.
a. area c. scope
b. room d. spacei ’m looking for a career which will give me plenty of to use my foreign languages.
a. area c. scope
b. room d. spacei ’m looking for a career which will give me plenty of to use my foreign languages.
a. area c. scope
b. room d. spacei ’m looking for a career which will give me plenty of to use my foreign languages.
a. area c. scope
b. room d. spacei ’m looking for a career which will give me plenty of to use my foreign languages.
a. area c. scope
b. room d. space
i ’m looking for a career which will give me plenty of to use my foreign languages.
a. area c. scope
b. room d. spaceответ:
i ’m looking for a career which will give me plenty of to use my foreign languages.
a. area c. scope
b. room d. spaceобъяснение:
Моя школа в Японии.
1. Мы должны носить форму в школе. Наша форма темно-синяя и серая. Мы носим пиджаки, галстуки и белые рубашки. Мальчики носят брюки, а девочки - юбки.
2. Мы должны быть в школе в 8.30. Наши занятия начинаются в 8.40.
3. Когда мы приходим в школу, нам нужно переобуться. Мы всегда носим тапочки в школе.
4 В начале урока мы должны встать и поприветствовать нашего учителя поклоном. Мы должны поднять руку, чтобы задать вопросы. Затем мы должны встать, когда отвечаем на вопросы нашего учителя.
5. Наши школьные сумки очень тяжелые. Это потому, что мы должны изучать десять школьных предметов!
6. В конце дня мы должны навести порядок в классе.
What language Mary is going to learn?
2. Who has come to stay with us this weekend?
Where Same and his girlfriend have come to stay this weekend?
3. Where were five students?
How many students in the class?
4. How long it takes to me to get to the college?
5. Who is forty-seven years old?
How old is my father?
6. How much this magazine costs?
What costs fifteen rubles?
7. What did they collect?
Who collected stamps?
8. Is it raining?
9. Do they know English?
10. Did we go to a disco yesterday?