Students life 1. Complete the two lists. Write as many ideas as you can. Things a good student does Comes to the lessons on time Things a bad student does Doesn't listen to the teacher 2. Watch for gist. Jonny is a student. Watch him talking about his studies and underline the correct answer. 1. Jonny is studying medicine / engineering. 2. He likes/doesn't like his course. 3. Watch the video again. Complete the sentences with have to/ don't have to / can/can't. a. You study very hard at school. b. You know about maths or English. C. I take patients' histories. d. I do any surgeries. e. I still play football. f. L miss lessons. 4. Language Focus-obligation and permission Look at the sentences from the video. Choose the correct meaning. a. You have to study very hard at school. 1. It's necessary to work hard. 2. It's a good idea to work hard. b. You don't have to know about maths or English. 1. It's essential to know about maths or English. 2. It's not necessary to know about maths or English. c. I can take blood. 1. It is an obligation to take blood. 2. I am allowed to take blood. d. I can't miss lessons. 1. I'm not allowed to miss lessons. 2. It's not a good idea to miss lessons.
1 задание.
1. I haven't been to Scotland . Have I been to Scotland?
2. You haven't seen Mike today. Have you seen Mike today?
3. Alison hasn't bought a new dress today. Has Alison bought a new dress today?
4. The child hasn't eaten his porridge. Has the child eaten his porridge?
5. I haven't been here since 5 o'clock. Have I been here since 5 o'clock?
2 задание
I have finished my painting.
My mom has called...
I haven't done this exercise yet.
Have you ever been to Nigeria?
I have known him since 2002.
She has just laid...
The weather has been...
How long have you been...
Where have you been?
I have wanted...
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