Which sports 1 is suitable for people who aren't athletic? 2 is similar to another sport? 3 first appeared in a novel? 4 doesn't allow you to use your hands? 5 is played with seven players? 6 is ideal for someone with football skills?
Нi, Peter! How are you doing? I'd like to tell you about newspapers and magazines in Ukraine. Of course people are not very much interested in reading newspapers and magazines nowadays. We prefer to learn news from internet. Anyway, we read some newspapers and popular magazines. For example my father reads 'The Evening Kiev' . My mother reads the magazine 'Natalie'. I read the magazine 'Internet'. Grandmother prefers themagazine 'Ukrainian Airlines' I hope my information will help you some way. Bye for now!
Трава, радовавшая нас летом своей зеленью, теперь превратилась в золотистый ковер, укрывший пространство между большими домами. Это придает окружающей местности какой-то торжественный, скорее праздничный вид, за которым как бы наблюдают наши многоэтажные строения, они похожи на часовых в карауле. Вид из окна нашей квартиры просто великолепный, можно долго стоять и просто наблюдать за всем происходящим вокруг. Grass, delight us in the summer for its greenery, now turned into a golden carpet ukryvshy space between the big houses. This gives the surrounding countryside some solemn, rather festive look, as if followed by watching our storied buildings, they look like sentries on guard. View from the window of our apartment is just gorgeous, can stand for long and just watch everything happening around.