/ Published: Oct 11th, 2014
My Favorite Sport -- Tennis (E)
Tennis is a very interesting sport. This is because playing tennis is really cool, and it needs many high-toned skills. Most of all, it only requires two persons to play.
Playing tennis is really elegant. I once watched a cartoon about playing tennis, which was called the prince of Tennis. The gesture of playing tennis was so beautiful that it attracted my attention. I have found that tennis is a pretty cool sport since I watched this movie.
The angle of serving balls is a high-toned art. Playing tennis is not as easy as playing badminton. But as soon as I learn how to play tennis, I love it. The angle control is a very important skill in playing tennis. Any attenuate change will affect the trail of ball. So learning how to control the angle becomes the key factor to success or failure. It's so exciting that I enjoy it a lot.
Tennis is a popular sport. It's not like volleyball or baseball which needs to scratch a team. When I wanted to play it, I just needed to find one person to play with me. It’s a very convenient sport. I could play it only with my aunt who used to play tennis when she was a teenager. It is the last reason why tennis became my favorite sport.
Я люблю заниматься спортом, ведь он дарит моему телу силу и выносливость. Моим любимым спортом является настольный теннис. Эта игра очень подвижная. Для нее требуется специальный стол, сетка, ракетки и мячик. Каждый вечер мы с ребятами выходим поиграть в настольный теннис.
Это захватывающая игра, в который важными являются реакция, знание техники подачи и хитростных уловок. В этой игре развиваются не только мышцы рук, как может показаться изначально.
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