Причастие - это часть речи, которая отвечает на вопрос какой? какая? какие? и образовано от глагола. Participle 1 - действительное причастие - 1 форма глагола+ -ing (e.g. flying-летящий, playing-играющий, swimming-плывущий, sleeping-спящий) I saw the plane flying in the sky. - я видел самолет, летящий в небе. Participle 2 - страдательное причастие - 3 форма глагола (built-построенный, sent-отправленный, ruined-разрушенный, written-написанный) I can see a ruined castle on the hill - я вижу разрушенный замок на холме.
My name is Sergey. I’m twelve years old. I’m in the sixth grade. I have a lot of friends but I want to tell about my best friend. His name is Alexander. He’s my school-mate. Sasha is cheerful, inquisitive and kind. He is very responsive. He will help me in hour of need. I always can rely on him. Sasha goes to sports school. He is very tall that’s why he goes in for basketball. On weekends we play football or cycle. Sometimes we go fishing and fish crucians. Also he is fond of playing computer games and watching horror films. His favourite films are “Saw” and “Scream”. We often go to the cinema. Sasha is true friend. My father says that I’m lucky because I have so reliable and true friend. I value our friendship.
Тут бессмысленно писать о том что у тебя достаточно свободы. Но если ты сможешь найти аргументы I don't think I get enough freedom. For proof of my opinion i wrote some arguments:in the first place I must do my homework after school.in the second place I can't go for a walk at any time. There are people who think that teenagers are get too much freedom.They says that teenagers are has got too much freedom and rights on compare with past generations. The difference of freedoms between teenagers of nearest generation and teenagers of our days is minor.2. A conflict of generations was always and this linked only with difference of perception of the world in different ages. For example in more ancient times people don't think about this problems and their are worried only one question - question of surviving.3. In conclution I can say that this problem will be affect of humanity more than one generation.
Participle 1 - действительное причастие - 1 форма глагола+ -ing (e.g. flying-летящий, playing-играющий, swimming-плывущий, sleeping-спящий)
I saw the plane flying in the sky. - я видел самолет, летящий в небе.
Participle 2 - страдательное причастие - 3 форма глагола (built-построенный, sent-отправленный, ruined-разрушенный, written-написанный)
I can see a ruined castle on the hill - я вижу разрушенный замок на холме.