Подходим половинки.
1. Я видел птицу
2. Мать завернутая
3. В конце месяца
4. Бенни начал лаять
5. Я был счастлив
6. Я пошел гулять
7. Яйцо было
а) яйцо в футболке
б) он нашел птицу,
в) увидев птицу.
г) лежа на земле,
д) я услышал странный шум.
е) еще тепло.
г) с Бенни
Зіставити половинки.
1. Я побачив птаха
2. Мати загорнута
3. В кінці місяця
4. Бенні почав гавкати
5. Я був щасливий
6. Я пішов гуляти
7. Яйце було
а) яйце в футболці
б) він знайшов птаха,
в) побачити птаха.
г) лежачи на землі,
д) я почув дивний шум.
f) ще теплий.
ж) з Бенні
2. They had already translated this text when the bell rang. Had they translated this text when the bell rang?
3. When I came he hadn't left yet. Hadn't he left when I came?
4. When we came to the airport, the plane had already landed. Had the plane landed when we came to the airport?
5. He suddenly understood that he had travelled in the wrong direction. Had he travelled in the wrong direction?
1) You have already sung merry songs at our Music lesson. Have you already sung merry songs at our Music lesson?
2) My friend and I have been watching educational film at our lessons for 20 minutes. Have my friend and I watched educational film at our lessons?.
3) We haven't relaxed at the breaks between our lessons. Haven't we relaxed at the breaks between our lessons.
4) They haven't learnt a poem by heart at our Literature lesson yet. Haven't they learnt a poem by heart at our Literature lesson?
5) We have already written tests. Have we written tests yet?