Unscramble the letters to find the words. 1 oomn moon 2 Ido 3 gldo 4 wrgo 5 ponso 6 onos 7 osul 8 wno 9 oonn ourself and then to your friend. НАДО НАПИСАТЬ ТобИИ Получилось слово
Birthday is a very wonderful day. Everybody likes to celebrate it. It is a good opportunity to spend time with friends, parents, relatives. I was born on the 10th of January. In the morning on my birthday my parents lay the presents near my bed. So the first thing I see when I open my eyes is my presents. My Mom and Daddy and my little brother come to my room to congratulate me and to sing "Happy Birthday". Usually we hold my birthday party in the evening. Once we went to a cafe to celebrate my birthday, but usually we celebrate it at home. We clean the house the day before birthday. In the morning of birthday party day my father goes shopping and buys everything we need. My mother bakes a cake or pie. By the evening food is cooked, the table is laid. We put on evening suits and dresses and wait for the guests. The flat looks nice and cosy. I am always very glad to meet my guests. I like to get flowers and presents. Mom gives me the telegram from my aunt. We have an abundant dinner on this day. Mom brings in the birthday cake. I blow the candles out. We dance and sing songs, play games and laugh, joke, tell funny stories. I think that my birthday is one of the best days in a year.
Перевод: День рождения — замечательный день. Всем нравится праздновать его, потому что это замечательная возможность провести время с друзьями, родителями, родственниками. Я родилась 10 января. Утром в день моего рождения мои родители кладут подарки рядом с моей кроватью. Поэтому первое, что я вижу, когда просыпаюсь, — это мои подарки. Мои мама, папа и маленький брат приходят в мою комнату, чтобы поздравить меня и спеть мне: "С днем рождения". Обычно мы отмечаем мой день рождения вечером. Однажды мы ходили в кафе, чтобы отпраздновать его, но обычно мы отмечаем этот праздник дома. За день до моего дня рождения мы убираем квартиру. Утром в день проведения вечеринки, посвященной празднованию моего дня рождения, мой папа идет за покупками и покупает все необходимое. Моя мама печет торт или пирог. К вечеру еда приготовлена, стол накрыт. Мы надеваем вечерние наряды и ждем гостей. Квартира выглядит красиво и уютно. Я всегда очень рада встречать моих гостей. Мне нравится получать цветы и подарки. Мама подает мне телеграмму от моей тети. В этот день у нас обильный обед. Мама вносит праздничный торт. Я задуваю свечи. Мы танцуем, поем песни, играем в игры, смеемся, шутим, рассказываем веселые истории. Я думаю, что мой день рождения — самый лучший день в году.
Вот про "451 градус по Фаренгейту" This name-451 degrees Fahrenheit-has a certain aura of mystery, and that is why many are so attracted to this book. 451 Fahrenheit is"the temperature at which the paper is lit and burning." Before reading the plot of this book guide the Association with another ation and a numeric name, such as "nineteen hundred and eighty-four". Both novels are about a despotic society governed by fear and censorship, where the characters have the last traces of hope and freedom. Still, let's do a brief analysis of "451 degrees Fahrenheit." The author of the novel "451 degrees Fahrenheit" - ray Bradbury. From the first page the quote of the Spanish Nobel laureate Juan ramón jiménez strikes: "Si os dan papel pautado, escribid por el otro lado"("if you are given a lined paper, write across"). The author as if at once tries to show by this quote the relation to public pressure, norms, oppression and any other type of violation of our freedom, and to prompt us to resist it. In the center of the novel is guy Montag, a thirty-year firefighter in the twenty-fourth century (the novel was written in the early 1950s). As a firefighter, guy Montag is responsible for destroying not only the books he finds, but also the houses in which he finds them. Books in this age not are read; they must be destroyed without issues. Making analysis "451 degrees Fahrenheit", let's stop a little on this person. Guy Montag lives in a world where the past is destroyed by kerosene hoses and government brainwashing techniques. In a few short days, this man is transformed from a limited and biased conformist into a dynamic man devoted to social change and life, saving books, not destroying them. The author of "451 degrees Fahrenheit" is ray Bradbury. And the book was written to show the evil of censorship. Ray Bradbury wrote it because he couldn't stand the censorship around, he wanted to speak out against it in his own way. Books have become illegal because they allow people to think and form their own opinions. And if that happens, the state will lose control of the people.
1) moon
2) old
3) gold
4) grow
5) snoop/spoon
6) soon
7) soul
8) now/own/won
9) noon
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