1. I look out the window. I see Jane. She is just crossing the street.
2. Where are you going to spend the weekend?
-As usual, out of town. Would you like to join us?
3. Whose dictionary is this?
- He belongs to Tom.
“No, Tom doesn't have such a dictionary.”
4. What languages do you speak?
“I speak English, German, and a little French.” And you?
“And I only speak English.”
5. What language do they speak now?
- I think they are talking
- Do you know french? Do you understand what they are about
they say?
- I do not know French well, but I understand that they are discussing some kind of problem regarding the book business.
6. The weather is changing. Is getting warm. - Yes, it really gets warmer. Spring is approaching.
7. Who makes purchases in your family? Usually my dad is shopping, and mom is cooking. However, sometimes mom has to shop and cook.
8. Do you smell this? This is mom making dinner. We will have something delicious for lunch.
9. Dad is watching TV again. Ask him to come to the kitchen and help me.
- Mom, you know, he always looks at this sports program. Don't bother him. Let me help you.
- Okay.
10. Where is Tom and Ben?
- Play chess.
- Play chess? Ask them to hurry. We leave in an hour, and they're not ready.
Использован переводчик,но я поправил некоторые моменты. Более менее похоже на правду)
1. Element of the chemical periodic table. (Элемент химической периодической таблицы Менделеева)
2. Engrave the inscription on the ring. (Выгравировать надпись на кольце)
3. School eqipment. (Школьное оборудование)
4. "Facilitate" переводится как "содействовать ", а не "оборудовать".
5. He made a fatale mistake. (Он совершил фатальную/роковую ошибку)
6. My neighbor put a fence. (Мой сосед поставил забор)
7. Fill the void in heart. (Заполнять пустоту в сердце)
8. "Furthermore, it was rude!" ("Более того, это было грубо!")
9. He turned globe. (Он повернул глобус)
10. We guarantee your safety. (Мы гарантируем Вам безопасность)
11. The helmet must be worn while riding a motorcucle. (Шлем нужно обязательно надевать во время езды на велосипеде)
12. "Idiot" is a work of russian writer Dostoevsky. ("Идиот" — это произведение русского писателя Достоевского)
13. I had lunch in haste. (Я пообедал в спешке)
14. Indian summer is over. (Бабье лето закончилось)
15. The interaction of elements is called reaction. (Взаимодействие элементов называется реакцией)
16. They have intoxicating gas. (У них есть отравляющий газ)
17. Science is seen as intrinisically good. (Наука рассматривается как что-то изначально хорошее)
18. Lack of vitamins in the body. (Недостаток витаминов в организме)
19. Lock up the door to night. (Запри дверь на ночь)
20. The room measure 6x6 metres. (Комната размером шесть на шесть метров)
21. There`s no point in doing anything. (Нет смысла делать что-либо)
22. This product is of organic origin. (Этот продукт органического происхождения)
23. In the oven baked cake. (В печке печётся пирог)
24. The first parachute jump in my life. (Первый прыжок с парашютом в моей жизни)
25. She has a peculiar character. (У неё особый характер)
26. I have plenty of money. (У меня предостаточно денег)
27. He stand on the brink of a precipice. (Он стоит на краю утеса)
28. They calmed reluctant animal. (Они успокоили сопротивляющееся животное)
29. Fractional reserve banking. (Частичное банковское резервирование)
30. My home its my resort. (Мой дом это моё место отдыха)
31. The song has a fast rhytm. (У песни быстрый темп)
32. "Senstaion-seeking" переводится как "поиск новых ощущений", а не сенсации.
2. The team hadn’t played well
3. Paul hadn’t told the truth
4. David and Matt had become a friends
5. They had left before we arrived