Miss Havisham is a significant character in Charles Dickens' novel Great Expectations (1861). She is a wealthy spinster who lives in her ruined mansion with her adopted daughter, Estella. Dickens describes her as similar to the "witch of the place."
Although she has often been portrayed as very elderly in film versions, Dickens' own notes indicate that she is only in her mid-fifties. However, it is also indicated that her long life away from sunlight has an age of her own, and she is said to look like a cross between wax sculpting and skeleton with moving eyes.
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Computer addiction is irresistible, obsessive desire to use the computer. A child in a timely manner can not move away from the computer. Computer addiction is most often combined with Internet addiction and gambling. This is explained by the fact that the child is using a computer to communicate, to games, to surf the web to search for information on the Internet, for watching cartoons or films, listening to the record, and so on. The causes of computer addiction.
Computer addiction can develop if the child is not socially adapted, he has some complexes, when he is very shy, or he's not able to properly communicate with his peers, and so on. The child may over-fond of computer games, which eventually turns into a gambling addiction. The child may also become addicted to the computer in the event that it is not enough to communicate with friends, relatives, parents.