Согласно правилам английского языка, вопросительное слово (who, when, how и т.п.) должно стоять первым, за ним следует вс глагол do/does и далее подлежащее и 1-я форма основного глагола:
1. Why do you like this school? — Почему тебе нравится эта школа? 2. When does your sister play the piano? — Когда твоя сестра играет на пианино? 3. Where does your brother play football? — Где твой брат играет в футбол? 4. What do they like watching in the evening? — Что им нравится смотреть вечером? 5. Whom does she kiss good night? — Кого она целует на ночь?
1. He should be there tomorrow. We're going to discuss our plans. 2. He may be there tomorrow. He's already back 3. He might be here tomorrow. I don't know if he returned from a business trip. 4. He may have been there yesterday, but I did not see him. 5. He could, at least, be there yesterday. 6. He was most likely there yesterday. 7. He should have been there yesterday! He promised. 8. It cannot be that he was there. I do not believe. 9. Is it possible that he was there yesterday? I think I saw him. 10. Could he have been there yesterday? 11. It cannot be that all this was true. They would have told me everything themselves. 12. Is it really true? 13. It must be true. 14. Perhaps this is true. 15. Who knows? Maybe this is true. 16. Perhaps it was true. 17. This was obviously true. 18. You are probably wrong. 19. You must be wrong .. 20. It cannot be that you are wrong. 21. Are you wrong then? 22. It cannot be that they do not understand me.
Удачи тебе
1. We have to ( или are obliged to) invite the Stewards to dinner.
2. She is able to phone her parents tonight.
3. You aren't allowed to waste money on smoking.