The older generation often complains that today's teenegers are very different from young people in the 1970s. In the past teenagers used to be more polite to the older generation. They were keen on books and outdoor activities as well. Today adults often complain that modern teens aren't as polite. They say teens aren't interested in books and they get bored with things very quickly. They're just crazy about texting.
1 a) for b) from c)about
2 a) for b) to c) with
3 a) on b) with c) at
4 a) in b) for c) at
5 a) from b) about c) with
6 a) with b) about c) on
+ Andrew's mother cooked good dinner for us yesterday.
? Did Andrew's mother cook good dinner for us yesterday?
- Andrew's mother didn't cook good dinner for us yesterday.
Время Past Simple образуется с вс глагола Did в вопросах(ставится на 1-ое место) и Did + not в отрицаниях. Обычные предложения строятся так: подлежащее + глагол-ed + дополнение(или, если это неправильный глагол, то 2-ая его форма). Если вы видите в отриц. или в вопрос. предложении did,то знайте, что к глаголу НЕ будет добавляться -ed.(или, если это неправильный глагол, то он НЕ будет меняться).
+ There were beautiful flowers in the garden last summer.
? Were there beautiful flowers in the garden last summer.
- There weren't beautiful flowers in the garden last summer.
Это глагол to be (быть\являться) в времени. Все просто, с He\She\It - Was, с You\We\They\I - Were. В вопросах этот глагол ставится на 1-ое место, в отрицании were+not\was+not.