Написать кратко этот текст НЕ ПИШИТЕ БРЕД КИНУ ЖАЛОБУ Natural Healing
If you're suffering from a cold or a flu, get some eucalyptus oil. Eucalyptus leaves hae been imported from Australia to Britain for many years. Inhaling eucalyptus oil is a very effective way to clear your nose when it is stuffy. This can be done by filling a sink or lage bowl with hot water and adding 3-5 drops of eucalyptus oil. Then, simply place a towel over your head, lean over and breathe deeply!
Calendula tincture
Herbal tinctures are an ancient natural medicine. A calendula tincture is one of the most popular. Calendula tincture is made from the marigold flower which can be found in many British gardens. This sunny little flower can help stomach aches, muscle pains and backache. It can also clean dirt from wounds to help them heal. To make a calendula tincture, pick about 15 grammes of marigold petals and rinse them before putting them into a jar. Next, pour in cider vinegar - this will preserve the petals for years. Leave the mixture for 4 weeks, then remove the petals and pour the liquid into a bottle. To drink it, add few drops to warm water.
When cinnamon first arrived in Britain, it was used as a tasty spice to flavour food. However, its many health benefits were soon discovered. Cinnamon oil is very useful as a treatment for minor skin problems. It can even soften the skin of tired rough feet! Simply add 2 tablespoons of ground cinnamon to ½a cup of water. Then add 4 of a cup of milk, 1 tablespoon of olive oil, and the juice of 5 lemons. Put your feet in the mixture for 15 minutes and relax.
the phone is good and bad at the same time. many people sit on the phone too much, thereby spoiling their eyesight and wasting time. Others use the phone only for good purposes, search for the necessary information and learn a lot of new and interesting things. The first type of people most often only play phone games, and this is addictive and can even cause dependence on the phone, so you should not spend more than four or five hours on the phone and use it only for the necessary purposes. The second type of people can work on the phone, search for information for school essays, communicate with friends, the phone does not harm these people, but only helps to expand their worldview. Therefore, the phone is good, but for reasonable people.
телефон это хорошо и плохо одновременно. многие сидят в телефоне слишком много, этим самым портят себе зрение и теряют время. Другие используют телефон только в хороших целях, ищут нужную информацию и узнают много нового и интересного. Первый тип людей чаще всего только играют в телефонные игры, а это затягивает и может вызвать даже зависимость от телефона, поэтому не стоит проводить в телефоне больше четырёх или пяти часов и использовать его только в нужных целях. Второй тип людей могут работать в телефоне, искать информацию для школьных рефератов, общаться с друзьями, этим людям телефон не вредит, а только расширять мировоззрение. Поэтому телефон это хорошо, но для разумных людей.