Мой любимый десерт - мороженое. Мороженое очень вкусное, сладкое. Это продукт для удовольствия. Я люблю его есть летом, когда очень жарко, а ты наслаждаешься мороженым. Для меня любимых мороженых нет. Все очень вкусные. Но в последнее время я начал есть шоколадное мороженое. Оно очень сладкое и питательное! Я ем холодное мороженое только летом, а зимой я его согреваю в микроволновой печи. Ребята, ешьте мороженое!
My favorite dessert is ice cream. Ice cream is very tasty, sweet. This is a product for pleasure. I love eating it in the summer, when it is very hot, and you enjoy ice cream. For me, there is no favorite ice cream. All very tasty. But lately, I started eating chocolate ice cream. It is very sweet and nutritious! I only eat cold ice cream in the summer, and in the winter I warm it in the microwave. Guys, eat ice cream!
вот.Я думаю ты имел(-а) ввиду не bream а dream)))
Вот и эссе!))
Today, any modern student knows that graduation is not only the time for rigorous exams and romantic graduation parties, but also the most crucial step in the life of every person - the choice of a future profession. But another thing is also known - it is impossible to become a happy person without revealing your potential in your beloved and thoroughly studied profession. One who is preparing to make his choice should remember one thing: there are no boring or uninteresting professions in the world, there is a lack of craving and ability to do one or another thing.
. I have read one of his books, but I didn't like it.
2. I try to phone Aida all day. Is she there?
3. We are driving for hours, and we still haven't arrived.
4. Hurray! We have finished at last!
5. We have already seen this film twice. It's brilliant.
6. I have looked for my keys for ages, but I can't find them!
7. How long do you learn English?
8. They're terrified. They are watching a horror film.