I would like to describe the room in which I live. At the entrance of the room you can notice a big red carpet and a blue bed on which I like to rest. There are two nightstands near the bed, one of which has a vase and a portrait of my grandmother on it. If you look to the right you can see my desk and the TV I usually watch in the evening. In front of my desk hangs a glass on which a lamp hangs. If you are about to leave, turning around you can see a wall clock and a huge closet with a calendar on it. This is my room!
Описал как смог, надеюсь что выручил, так же постарайся заменить слова которые не знаешь на синонимы чтобы у учителя не было сомнений на счет честности написания. Удачи!
Seemed like everybody liked this idea. – Здавалось, що всім сподобалась ця ідея. We all need someone to lean on. – Нам всім потрібен хтось, на кого можна покластися. I know no one who can answer this question. – Я не знаю нікого, хто б міг відповісти на це питання. Someone took my sandwich. – Хтось взяв мій сандвіч. Somebody took my sandwich. – Хтось взяв мій сандвіч.
Yesterday I found someone’s sock. Is it yours? – Вчора я знайшла чиюсь шкарпетку. Вона твоя? I don’t need anybody’s opinion! – Мені не потрібна чиясь думка! It’s nobody’s pen. You can take it. – Це нічийна ручка. Ти можеш її взяти. Our clean city is everyone’s responsibility. – Наше чисте місто - це відповідальність кожного.
I would like to describe the room in which I live. At the entrance of the room you can notice a big red carpet and a blue bed on which I like to rest. There are two nightstands near the bed, one of which has a vase and a portrait of my grandmother on it. If you look to the right you can see my desk and the TV I usually watch in the evening. In front of my desk hangs a glass on which a lamp hangs. If you are about to leave, turning around you can see a wall clock and a huge closet with a calendar on it. This is my room!
Описал как смог, надеюсь что выручил, так же постарайся заменить слова которые не знаешь на синонимы чтобы у учителя не было сомнений на счет честности написания. Удачи!