1. The worker didn't stop the machine.
2. The boy doesn't have an uncle.
3. The girl has not taken the book in the library.
4. The engineers will not have finished their calculation by next Friday.
5. I was not (wasn't) working last night when you phoned me.
Объяснение:PAST SIMPLE
I, you, we, they, he, she, it + did not (didn't) + V
I, you, we, they/He, she, it + do not (don't)/does not (doesn't) + V
I, you, we, they/He, she, it + have not (haven't)/has not (hasn't) + V³
I, you, we, they, he, she, it + will not have (won't have) + V³
I, he, she, it/You, we, they + was not (wasn't)/were not (weren't) + Ving
Poverkhnost' Anglii i Irlandii ploskaya, no poverkhnost' Shotlandii i Uel'sa gorna. Gory pochti vse v zapadnoy chasti. Samaya vysokaya gora v Soyedinennom Korolevstve - Ben-Nevis v Shotlandii (1343 m). Samaya dlinnaya reka - Severn. Eto na yugo-zapade Anglii. Temza ne tak dlinna, kak Severn, ona koroche. More pronikayet gluboko v zemlyu i okazyvayet bol'shoye vliyaniye na klimat, kotoryy vlazhnyy, no dovol'no myagkiy: zima ne ochen' kholodnaya, a leto ne ochen' zharkoye.
V Soyedinennom Korolevstve prozhivayet boleye 57 millionov chelovek. Bol'shinstvo zhiteley Velikobritanii zhivut v bol'shikh gorodakh i gorodakh.
Stolitsey strany yavlyayetsya London. Osnovnymi promyshlennymi tsentrami yavlyayutsya Sheffild i Birmingem, gde proizvodyatsya zheleznyye izdeliya, Manchester, khlopkovyy tsentr Anglii i drugiye.
Vazhnymi portami strany yavlyayutsya london, Liverpul', Glazgo i drugiye.