My family is not very large. We have five people in our family. My father's name is Igor Petrovich. Ho is forty years old. He is a doctor and he works at a hospital. My mother's name is
Lyudmila Leonidovna. She is thirty-nine years old. She is a housewife. My younger sister is a
pupil. She is in the seventh form. My grandmother lives with us. She doesn't work. She is a
pensioner. I love my family. We are all friends and we love each other.
I have one aunt and two uncles. Their children are my cousins.
We live in a big flat in a new house. There are four rooms in our flat: a living room, a study,
and two bedrooms. We have all modern conveniences: gas, hot water, running water, electricity
and telephone.
I have my duties about the house. I must go shopping. I help my Mother to clean the rooms.
It's not difficult for me. I like our home to be clean and tidy.
Задание 1.1 Прочитайте текст и подберите в тексте английские
эквиваленты к следующим словам:
1) домохозяйка
2) тетя
3) дяди
4) двоюродные братья и сестры
5) гостиная
6) кабинет
7) водопровод
8) современные удобства
9) обязанности
10) прибранный
18 марта 2008 года
Г-же: Ллойд М
Директору по работе с персоналом
Торгового отдела магазина
Оксфорд OX2 6DP
Ул. Большая Кларендон
Уважаемая г-жа Ллойд,
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