Network сеть to embrace охватывать
to use использовать, пользоваться
user пользователь
to begin начинать (ся)
to design зд.: предназначать
to survive выжить, пережить
to knock out выводить из строя
rout маршрут
path путь
nuclear ядерный
available возможный
explosion взрыв
host хозяин
to be located быть расположенным
to grow расти
number номер, число, количество
service услуга
access доступ
to receive получать
to send посылать
message сообщение
to provide обеспечивать, снабжать
to communicate связываться
local местный
distance расстояние
a monthly or hourly fee ежемесячная и почасовая оплата
to connect связывать (ся)
security безопасность
encoding program кодирующая программа
to become становиться
necessary необходимый
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On the delicate petals of a flower of rose history of mankind composed legends, wrote poetry, composed tales. Rose with drops of morning dew on the petals - beautiful. She looks wonderful even on a bed of autumn, when its petals have become stricter from the weather, withered on the edges.
But generally resistant rose flower, as well as in humans are resistant true queen. Often you can find a red rose in the cold, powdered with snow on a bed strewn with ice crystals of frost. Great show!
Stem roses dotted with spikes. I've always wondered: why do they need such a beautiful flower? And I thought: the flower is protected so that it is not stripped from the beds passers-by on the first request. And the animals a hundred times, "think" before you tumble into the rose bushes and trample them.
My favorite flower has different colors and shades. After all, on breeding and cultivation of rose bushes of different shades labored so many breeders scientists, many gardeners, agronomists, growers, gardeners! Yellow Rose - poster printing, Red Rose - the emblem of passionate love, white - pure love and tenderness. Purple Rose - the attribute of kings, black rose - a symbol of elegance, pink - the best gift for the holiday. Even green rose, and she bred by scientists as the flower variety.
One day I was with my parents in the rose garden, where gardeners arranged a real "ball of flowers." I saw a stunningly beautiful cream rose, decorated with light "rozovinkoy" on the edge of the petals. She became a model for me of a flower.