Complete the sentences with the words in the list. There are four word staff took | sponsor | reef | make | encouraged | residents | refugees donation do | motorists recommended| volcano raise erupted and filled the sky 1 Many flights were cancelled when a with ash. 2 I saw a documentary about leaving their countries to escape war. 3 My mum me to work hard at school. 4 l asked my friends to me to run five kilometres for charity. 5 The water in the bay is always calm because it's protected by a 6 Kanat's dad gave him some good advice but I don't think he 7 They are all local 8 Dina's presentation is next week, so she needs to on the Internet. 9 Mr Akhmetov runs a small business. He has a it. Most of them live in the streets near us. some research of four people. money for good cause these days 10 It's a lot easier to than it was before social media
Henry liked Spring Holidays, because he liked the weather and St. Patrick’s Day. In that day people wear green. Easter was a good holiday, too. You could see the Easter Rabbit, hunt for eggs and find candy.
Sandra liked Summer Holidays, like Independence Day. She always went to the air show to see airplanes. In the evening they’d shoot off fireworks. Mother’s Day and Father’s Day were usually in the summer, too.
Judith loved Fall holidays most. Sweetest Day wasn’t that popular, but it was a nice day and sometimes she got candy. Halloween was such a great time. Thanksgiving was just a few weeks later. Between Halloween’s candy and Thanksgiving’s turkey was the best food season of the year.
Winter holidays were Thomas’ favourites. Christmas was a great time to be with family. New Year was exciting, because everyone stayed up late and cheered when the year changed, and there were often fireworks.