Вот, смотри ниже
I'd like to know where my diary is.
(A) where is my diary
(B) where it is my diary
(C) where my diary is
(D) my diary is where
Socrates was Greek,
There weren't a lot of people in the supermarket.
Apollo wasn't born in Athens.
You were my best friend.
I was a strong baby.
There was a cat on the bed.
Запомните: Is, Is not — Was; Are, Are not — Were, Am — Was. Socrates is Greek. — В данном случае настоящее время определяется смысловым глаголом is (формой глагола to be). Для того, чтобы изменить время, необходимо изменить форму смыслового глагола на was: Socrates was Greek.There aren't a lot of people in the supermarket. — То же самое: смысловой глагол are (с отрицательной частицей not) является формой глагола to be для множественного числа. Меняем are на were(с частицей not): There weren't a lot of people in the supermarket. Apollo isn't born in Athens. — Isn't с частицей изменяем на wasn't (причём born не трогаем, это не глагол): Apollo wasn't born in Athens.You are my best friend. — are меняем на were: You were my best friend.I'm a strong baby. — Форма глагола to be, выраженная am, характера только для первого лица единственного числа, то есть I. Аналогично, am изменяется на was: I was a strong baby.There is a cat on the bed. — Смысловой глагол is меняем на was: There was a cat on the bed.
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