A wealthy American business magnate, playboy, and ingenious scientist, Anthony Edward "Tony" Stark suffers a severe chest injury during a kidnapping. When his captors attempt to force him to build a weapon of mass destruction, he instead creates a mechanized suit of armor to save his life and escape captivity. Later, Stark develops his suit, adding weapons and other technological devices he designed through his company, Stark Industries. He uses the suit and successive versions to protect the world as Iron Man. Although at first concealing his true identity, Stark eventually publicly reveals himself to be Iron Man.
Initially, Iron Man was a vehicle for Stan Lee to explore Cold War themes, particularly the role of American technology and industry in the fight against communism. Subsequent re-imaginings of Iron Man have transitioned from Cold War motifs to contemporary matters of the time.
Великобритания. 5 апреля. дорогая мама .Я пишу вам письмо на английском языке так же, как вы просили.Я екс поверить, что я остаюсь в Лондоне две недели.Пока все unforgettabie.Дела идут очень хорошо здесь.Моей семьи это большой и очень дружелюбный!Джесс и ее родители очень добрые и гостеприимные.Я счастлива иметь такую удивительную возможность, как это и жить мифъ этой фантастической семьи . Это очень интересно изучать новую культуру и tradintions .Я люблю учится говорить и понимать по-английски .Я сделал немного новых хороших друзей в школе. Все дети очень frieiendiy. Я очень хорошо провожу время .Я даже не скучал. Мы будем ато Кембридж завтра утром.В выходные мы собираемся устроить вечеринку на место Стефана .Как видите,я очень занят . Отправка много любви и б есть пожелания, чтобы папа и бабушка. С Уважением,Катя
A wealthy American business magnate, playboy, and ingenious scientist, Anthony Edward "Tony" Stark suffers a severe chest injury during a kidnapping. When his captors attempt to force him to build a weapon of mass destruction, he instead creates a mechanized suit of armor to save his life and escape captivity. Later, Stark develops his suit, adding weapons and other technological devices he designed through his company, Stark Industries. He uses the suit and successive versions to protect the world as Iron Man. Although at first concealing his true identity, Stark eventually publicly reveals himself to be Iron Man.
Initially, Iron Man was a vehicle for Stan Lee to explore Cold War themes, particularly the role of American technology and industry in the fight against communism. Subsequent re-imaginings of Iron Man have transitioned from Cold War motifs to contemporary matters of the time.