Everyone has his own idea of a perfect home. I want my house to be somewhere in Karelia - a small wooden hut. You just open the door and enter the hallway. There is a carpet on the floor, along the walls there are lockers and a large mirror. In the living room there is a big yellow sofa with a lot of pillows. Along the walls there are shelves with books. The kitchen has to be with a stove, refrigerator and a large table. That’s all, in general. Actually my friends think that one should live on the moon, have a swimming pool 5 km long, 25 sport-rovers and a small bed.
Object of study: interpersonal relationships mentally retarded younger students Objective: the study of interpersonal relations mentally retarded children in primary school's activities Received conclusions and their novelty: the research allowed to identify and to improve the features of interpersonal relationships mentally retarded younger students in game activity developed by the author correctional program "the Power is in the game"by which local the sample is made of psychological and pedagogical correction of interpersonal relations mentally retarded younger schoolboys in conditions of the institution. Results the research can be used in practical activities remedial teachers, educators, parents with mental retarded pupils; the study may be useful in the preparation of students-future specialists in education. Keywords: mental retardation, interpersonal relations, GAMING ACTIVITIES, CORRECTION
Was he in the mountains last summer