я выбрала карту "Music" самое первое.
1My favorite singer is Park Jimin (напиши про своего певца любимого, я написала про Park Jimin)
2About his biography, I can say that he was born in South Korea in 1995. He is a South Korean singer, dancer, songwriter and he is the vocalist and member for BTS's boy band also he's a good person. (написать про биографию певца, я написала про биографию Park Jimin)
3 I listen to songs almost every day because songs inspire me. ( про частоту слушания песен, я написала что слушаю почти каждый день потому что песни вдохновляют меня, причину можно написать по желанию если можно добавлять дополнения)
4 I can't play any musical instrument yet, but maybe I will start learning play soon. (написать умеешь ли играть на музыкальных инструментах, я написала что пока что не умею, но возможно скоро начну учиться играть.)
Do you have lots of possessions? Oh, no. I don't.
Do you want to be a part of a group? Yes, of course. I want to be a part of a group
Do you always get what you want? No, I don't.
I don't always get what you wantIs it important to socialise? Yes, it is. It is important to socialise
Do you like impress your mates? Yes, I do. I like impress your mates
Do you want to follow fashion? Yes, I do. I want to follow fashion
Are your influenced by music? Yes, I am. I'm influenced by good music
Are you into lables? No, I don't.
Do you buy secondhand clothes? No, I don't. I never buy secondhand clothes