Ordering strangeness 27 And dramatically cooled mind. I was angry, he was morose; Passion play, we both knew; Tomila life both of us; In both heart glow faded; Both were expected to rage Blind Fortune and men On the morning of the day. XLVI
Who lived and thought, he can not The soul does not despise men; Those who felt that disturbs Ghost irrevocable days: Tom is no more charm, Togo serpent memories Togo remorse gnaws. This often gives Most of the charm of conversation. First Onegin language I was confused; but I'm used to To his acrimonious dispute And joke with gall halves, And anger gloomy epigrams. XLVII
As part of the summer at times, When the transparent and light The night sky over Nevoyu8 And the glass of water fun It does not reflect the face of Diana, Vospomnya years old novels, Vospomnya old love, Sensitive, careless again, Breath nights supportive Silently we reveled! As in forest green from prison Moved convict sleepy, So carried away, we dream By the beginning of the life of the young. 28 "Eugene Onegin". Illustration to the first verse of Chapter XLVIII. Figure Pushkin. 1824. XLVIII
With the soul, full of regrets, And resting on granite, It was thoughtfully Eugene, As he described himself piit9. All was quiet; a night Echoes hour, Yes droshkies remote knock With a million suddenly heard; Only a boat, waving their oars, Floating on the river dormant: And we are captivated away Horn and daring song ... But the sweeter of the night fun, Chant Torkvatovyh octaves! XLIX
Adriatic waves About Brent! I not see you And, again, full of inspiration, I hear the voice of your magic! It is sacred to Apollo grandchildren; As the proud lyre of Albion He is familiar to me, he told me mother. Italy golden Nights I enjoyed bliss in the wild, With Venetian old, That talkative, the dumb, Sailing in a mysterious gondola; With it will find my mouth The language of Petrarch and love.
The novel "Eugene Onegin," Pushkin wrote for 8 years. It describes the events of the first quarter of the XIX century, that is, the creation and duration of the novel about the same. Reading it, we understand that the novel is unique, because earlier in the world literature there was not a single novel in verse. Lyrical-epic genre of works involves the intertwining of two subjects - the epic, the protagonists of which Onegin and Tatiana, and lyrical, where the main character - a character called the author, ie the lyrical hero of the novel."Eugene Onegin" - a realistic novel. realism method assumes there is no job, clear the original development plan of action: images of the characters do not develop simply by the will of the author, caused by the development of psychological and historical features that are inherent in the images. Concluding chapter VIII, the author himself emphasizes this feature of the novel:And the distance free novelI through the magic crystalStill unclear discern.Having defined the novel as "a motley assembly of heads," Pushkin emphasizes another essential feature of realistic works: the novel as a kind of "open" in time, each chapter could be the last, but it may have a sequel. Thus, the reader's attention is focused on the intrinsic value of each chapter.Unique this novel does and what breadth of reality, much of a description of distinctive features of the era, its flavor acquired such importance and authenticity, the novel became an encyclopedia of Russian life of 20-ies of the last century. Reading the novel, we, as an encyclopedia, can learn everything about that era: how dressed and that was in vogue ( "wide bolivar" Onegin and crimson takes Tatiana) menu prestigious restaurants that proceeded in the theater (ballet Didlo).Throughout the novel, and in the lyrical digressions poet shows all layers of Russian society at that time: the highest light St. Petersburg, Moscow nobility, landed gentry, the peasantry. This allows us to speak of "Eugene Onegin" as a genuinely national product.Petersburg at that time gathered the best Russian minds. There "glittering Fonvizin", artists - Knyazhin, Istomin. The author is well known and loved St. Petersburg, he is accurate descriptions, without forgetting about the "salt of the secular anger," "about Nahal necessary." Through the eyes of a resident of the capital shows us Moscow - "fair bride." Describing the Moscow nobility, Pushkin often sarcastic: in the living room, he notices "incoherent, vulgar nonsense." But at the same time the poet loves to Moscow, the heart of Russia: "Moscow ... how much of this sound for the Russian heart merged" (Muscovite read these lines should be twice as nice).
you should study the English words before you go to bed.
you should never open the door to someone you don't know.
you should never go anywhere with someone you don't know.
the perfect home should be large.
the house should have a garden to grow fruit and vegetables.
you should go and see "Swan Lake".