Alex is a bus driver. But now he is asleep in bed. So: He is not driving a bus (he is asleep). But: He drives a bus.
Это и есть Present Simple. Вот как это время образовывается: I we you they drive he she it drives
Мы используем Present Simple когда речь идет о действии, которое происходит вообще, не обязательно в данный момент, если оно происходит постоянно, или повторяется. Нам не важно, происходит ли действие в момент речи: The earth goes round the sun. (действие происходит постоянно) Nurses look after patients in hospitals. (вообще) In Britain most of the shops close at 5.30 p.m. (повторяющееся) Не забывайте к глаголам после he / she / it добавлять "s".:
I work in a bank. Barry works in a shop.
Мы используем do / does чтобы сформировать вопрос и отрицание: Question (вопрос) Negative (отрицание) Do I we you they work? I We You They don`t work. Does he she it He She It doesn`t
Excuse me, do you speak English? "Would you like a cigarette?" "No, thanks. I don`t smoke." What does this word mean? Rice doesn`t grow in Britain. 3) Мы используем Present Simple, когда говорим, как часто что-то происходит (с наречиями частотности): I get up at 8 o`clock every morning. How often do you go to the dentist? Ann doesn`t often drink tea. In summer Tom usually plays tennis twice a week.
In Russia there is much different radio stations. The most popular radio station is the Russian radio. The others are Radio FM, FM Retro, Road radio and Satellite. I prefer to listen the Russian radio because there include new songs and lighten mood. And when I go by the car, I listen the Russian radio and my parents too. But I seldom listening to radio in general. I don't love the Road radio because there old songs and there is a lot of chatter. My grandmother and grandfather love Jokes of FM and FM Retro because they don't love my songs.
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