1. What is your favorite color?
My favorite color is pink.
2. What would you take with you to a deserted island: a match, a phone or a book?
I would pick up the book as it has a lot of ideas on how to survive on a desert island.
3. What is your favorite holiday and why?
My favorite holiday is my birthday, because this holiday is dedicated to me.
4. Why do many people like the sea?
Many people like the sea, because the water in it is clean and clear, and you can't see the end of this beauty.
5. How can we stop the extinction of rare species of plants and animals?
To save biodiversity, you need to save their natural environment.
1.Який твій улюблений колір?
Моїм улюбленим кольором є рожевий.
2. Що би ти взяв із собою на безлюдний острів: сірник, телефон чи книгу?
Я узяв би книгу, так як у ній багато ідей як вижити на безлюдному острові.
3.Яке ваше улюблене свято і чому?
Моїм улюбленим святом є день народження, бо це свято присвячено мені.
4.Чому багатьом людям подобається море?
Багатьом подобається море, бо вода у ньому чиста та прозора, а кінця цієї краси не бачиш.
5.Як можна зупинити вимирання рідкісних видів рослин та тварин?
Щоб зберегти біорізноманіття, потрібно зберегти їхнє природне середовище.
1. He spoke in such a loud voice that I was awaken by his words. 2. The teacher was so angry with the boys that she called their parents to school. 3. He said the last words in such a low voice that I could hardly hear them. 4. They spoke so loudly that people turned their heads to the side.
b. 1She's still cross with me. That's why she doesn't want to call me.2. We were suddenly ordered to go abroad, that's why we are in a hurry to pack our bags. 3.We haven't found out his new address yet, that's why we don't know where he lives. 4. They spoke in a strange language, that's why I couldn't understand them.
c. 1. I shan't be angry with you if you apologize. 2. My friend's son will be a captain after graduating this establishment. 3. I shan't take soup either if you don't take it. 4. My son will not go to sleep until I read him a tale. 5. The waitress will come up to our table as soon as she is free. 6. Your examination will be over before the football match starts. 7. The boy will sleep until his grandmother wakes him up. 8. I shall be looking through these magazines while you cook breakfast.
1. a little
2. some
3. lots of
4. too many
5. little
6. a lot of
7. more
8. too much
9. much
10. немножко не видно но если там not many, то правильный ответ будет Not much (correct variant)