БОРЩ - BORSCHT How the meat in 3 liters of water, add salt and pepper. Beets, cabbage and onions cut into strips, potatoes - slices. Beet fry in butter, add a tablespoon of vinegar (3%), stew until tender in small amount of broth, add sugar (1 tablespoon), tomato paste (2 tablespoons). Strain the broth and continue to cook. Meat cut into cubes and put in boiling broth, add potatoes, cabbage and cook for 15 minutes. Then add the beets, vegetables and sweet pepper cut in shreds, spices. Cook for another 15 minutes. Add chopped garlic, pounded with fat and bring to a boil. Then let stand another 20 minutes.
Перевод : Варить мясо в 3 л воды, добавить соль и перец горошком. Свеклу, капусту и репчатый лук нарезать соломкой, картофель - дольками. Свекла обжарить на сливочном масле, добавить столовую ложку уксуса (3%), тушить до готовности в небольшом количестве бульона, добавить сахар (1 ст. ложку), томатную пасту (2 ст. ложки). Процедить бульон и продолжить варить. Мясо нарезать кубиками и положить в кипящий бульон, добавить картофель, капусту и варить в течение 15 минут. Затем добавить свеклу, овощи и сладкий перец нашинкованные соломкой, специи. Варить еще 15 минут. Добавить мелко нарезанный чеснок, растертый с жиром и довести до кипения. Затем дать постоять еще 20 минут.
Every weekend, two facilitators travel to various cities of the world. According to the program rules, one of them must live Saturday and Sunday for $ 100, and the second can spend unlimited funds, which are stored on a "gold" credit card. To decide as to which of them spend the weekend under the program, leading before every journey, toss a coin, and it is all about heads or tails[5]. If the coin falls "heads", the gold card goes to the host who threw the coin, and his "partner" — $100; if "tails" — on the contrary. The only time students were given a gold card co-host, was in the 15th edition of Tbilisi, when Alan gave the card to Jeanne. During the program the audience is acquainted with the main sights of the city, in which are leading, to suggest the names of hotels tell about the cost of a service. The appearance in the second season of the program sponsor in the form of one of the Ukrainian wine producers influenced the development of traditions. According to her, each city lead with a gold card is hiding a sealed bottle, inside which are $100 with a note. Found a bottle ask to send the program a photo or video of this process[6].