Task 1. Choose the correct item.
Coca-cola is a fizzy/still drink.
It’s said that oily/bitter chocolate is good for our health.
-The dish is very tasty. What spices/additives did you use? –Nothing special, just some pepper and salt.
Since childhood children are taught that being greedy/starving is impolite. If you have some sweets, you should share with your friend.
I prefer to avoid using artificial/fake additives, they can consist monosodium glutamate.
To recover you should follow the doctor’s recipe/prescriptions.
Some people like to eat lemons, but I find them too sour/rotten for me.
He was immediately taken to the hospital where the doctors started treating/curing him.
I can’t concentrate, I have a terrible head pain/ache.
1 The statue was sculpted from wood.
Статуя была вылеплена из дерева.
2 The tower was designed by a famous architect.
Башня была спроектирована известным архитектором.
3 The artist painted a picture of the landscape.
Художник нарисовал картину-пейзаж.
4 The castle was built in the 17th century.
Замок был построен в 17 веке.
5 Archaeologists are excavating the ancient site.
Археологи ведут раскопки на этом древнем месте.
6 The sculptures were modelled on real soldiers.
Скульптуры были сделаны по образцу настоящих солдат.
7 Archaeological digs have revealed artefacts from the Middle Ages.
Археологические раскопки выявили артефакты средневековья.