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В этом учебном году я усовершенствовался ряд своих навыков. Прежде всего, я стал лучше читать и намного красивее писать. Я изучил большое количество литературных произведений, познакомился с биографиями писателей. То есть стал более образованный
Уроки математики развили мое логическое мышление, научили новым математическим понятиям. На уроках истории я познакомился с новыми датами, узнал о ходе событий на нашей земле. Этот год был очень плодотворным и интересным. Благодаря школе я каждый день узнавал что-то новое интересное, совершенствовал свои умения и навыки.
Most adults think that watching TV is simply useless for a teenager, because it takes too long, the child will not be able to complete school assignments and so on. But also half think quite differently. I want to provide facts for both sides. Pros and cons of watching TV for teens
It is true that nowadays people, especially teenagers, spend too much time in front of the monitor. TV is very addicting and can easily addiction to a teenager.Consequently, adolescents have many diseases, such as obesity, vision problems, lack of vitamins; as well as social problems, since the deficit in social and sports activities reduces the ability to communicate and influence people. Therefore, parents worry about their children, as TV often replaces their hobbies and social life. However, this problem is not limited to teenagers.Middle-aged people prefer to lead a "recumbent" lifestyle more than an active one. Personally, I am FOR teenagers watching TV, you can find new information on TV, learn a new language, even at the moment there are video lessons on TV such as Daryn online!
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