In the Taraz region of southern Kazakhstan, there stands a beautiful and mysterious building from many years ago. Hundreds of delicate patterned tiles decorate every wall of the building. It is called the Mausoleum of Aisha Bibi and, although its true origins are lost in history, there is a local legend that tells the tragic story of Aisha Bibi and her death. A long time ago, the great khan of Taraz, Karakhan, travelled to Samarkand. While he was walking along the streets of that great city, Karakhan came across Aisha Bibi, the beautiful daughter of Khakim-Ata. When Karakhan and Aisha Bibi saw cach other they both fell in love. Karakhan went to Aisha's father to ask if he could marry his daughter but Khakim-Ata refused. Although Karakhan was a khan, his kingdom was still very small at that time and he had less money than Khakim-Ata. There was nothing he could say to change Khakim-Ata's mind. Before he left, Aisha Bibi and Karakhan made a secret promíse to marry each other. A few weeks passed, but Aisha Bibi had no news from Karakhan. She decided to travel to Taraz to find him. Her mother helped her pack a few things to take with her and sent her old nanny Babadzha Khatun with her. But as Khakim-Ata saw his daughter riding away he shouted a curse after her: "You will cross six rivers, but you will not cross the seventh!" The two women rode north for weeks, until they saw the city of Taraz in the distance. Before they crossed the seventh river, they stopped so Aisha could bathe, forgetting her father's curse. Just then, a poisonous snake leapt from under a rock and bit her. The poison was fast. Aisha Bibi begged her nanny to ride ahead to Taraz and bring Karakhan to her. The old woman rode as fast as she could, but when Karakhan arrived, Aisha Bibi died in his arms, The noble Karakhan ordered that a beautiful mausoleum would be built in the exact place that she died. Her fuithful nanny Babadzha Khatun guarded the mausoleunm until her own death. Karakhan later founded the great Karakhanid Empire and became a powerful and wise khan. He lived for many years but never married. When he died, he asked to be buried somewhere facing the beautiful mausoleum of Aisha Bibi. To this day, women who are getting married visit the mausoleum to ask for happiness and children. The legend says that anyone who visits the Mausoleum of Aisha Bibi on their wedding day will have a long and happy marriage.
Школа для мене це - святиня. Там вчителі дають нам знання, які ми в майбутньому передамо своїм дітям. Для мене кожен день школи - це неповторні години. Але деякі люди вважають, що без школи можна жити і це неправильно. Адже всі шкільні знання ми використовуєму в житті. Школа - формує в нас характер, вчить правильно відноситися до людей. Наші вичтеля люблять нас і навчають доброму слову. Пройдуть роки, ми закінчимо школи, але в нашій пам'яті залишаться ті добрі слова, які нам казали вчителі. Я впевнено можу сказати що в майбутньому, ми виправдаємо їхні сподівання.
My ideal school. I think that lessons should be amusing and entertaining. The teachers shoud be strict, but understanding. It should be cosily in an ideal school. And the desks should be slanted for comfortable writing. In an ideal school, pupils can choose additional lessons like astronomy, drawing lessons and so on. The lessons start at 9:30 am and last for 40 minutes. But only pupils who want to study and who are interested in lessons should study there. In an ideal shool, the most active and the most obidient pupils are praised and rewarded by presents. It's my ideal school.