The teenager goes through the period of adolescence. In adolescence, there are exist the most sincere friendship, the most open and artless relations. Studying in the school is not particularly complex in comparison with the program of higher educational institutions, so teenagers have enough time to do hobbies and do sports. At the same time the parents are still alive and young, and it is so valuable, even if sometimes teenagers think otherwise.
подросток проходит через подростковый период. в подростковом возрасте самая искренняя дружба, самые открытые, бесхитростные отношения. Учеба в школе не особенно сложна по сравнению с программой высших учебных заведений, поэтому у тинэйджеров остается достаточно времени и на домашние дела, и на общение, и на увлечения. Живы и еще молоды родители, а ведь это так ценно, даже если иногда подросткам кажется иначе.
Kevin is always late. - Kevin's parents are going to give him a watch. Melissa has a sweet tooth. - Melissa's parents are going to give her a box of sweets. Susan is fond of music. - Susan's parents are going to give her a gitar. Thomas plays tennis. - Thomas's parents are going to give him a racket Mary loves pets. - Mary's parents are going to give her a kitten. Alice likes to travel. - Alice's parents are going to give her a camera. Kate likes to draw. - Kate's parents are going to give her some new paints. Andrew loves sports. - Andrew's parents are going to give him a football.
They are at the zoo
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