1) I am having coffee. Я пью кофе.
2) My fellow-student is reading Exercise II. Мой товарищ-студент читает упражнение 2.
3) We are waiting for the bus to come. Мы ждем, когда придет автобус.
4) They are leaving for London this week. Они уезжают в Лондон на следующей неделе.
5) My friend is crazy. He is constantly playing computer games. Мой друг помешанный. Он постоянно играет в компьютерные игры.
6) Are you going by car? Ты едешь на машине?
7) How long is Carla staying here? Как долго Карла останется здесь?
l believe that this text is not entertaining but informative. Because this text talks about the lives of people in London as they live about their culture government food attractions. How people live in comfortable conditions.
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