пишешь про свой друг(-подруга)
1)Что ему(-ей) нравится
2)Что он(-а) может
3)в чем он(-а) хорош(-а)
4)Его любимый
Вот пример:
1)He (-She) likes... (reading ,cooking,dancing,swimming и т.д)
2)He(-she) can... (play-football,basketball,volleyball и т.д)или вместо play можешь что-то другое написать.
3)He's (-she's) good at... (math,science,geography,biology,chemistry и т.д)
4)His (-her) favourite... (Например любимый цвет или еда,песня,урок и т.д)
Если напишешь про любимый цвет:
Her/his favourite colour is... (brown,black,yellow,red и т.д)
Если про предмет (урок):
Her/His favourite subject is.. (math,geography и т.д)
Наверное все понятно:)
1) I was going to the library at 5 yesterday
2) We were playing tennis from 4 to 6 yesterday .
3) He was in the cinema last week.
4) He will go on a trip in 2014
5) Ann was watching TV, when her father came home.
6) He didn't do lessons, yet. - Он ещё не делал уроки.
He hasn't done lessons, yet. - Он ещё не cделал уроки (уже начал, но не сделал)
7) I have Music lessons today.
8) While Ann was reading, Ben cleaned the room.
9) We have never been visited to Paris .
6. - 2 варианта. Смотря какую тему вы сейчас учите. Исходя из этого выбери вариант.
17.My friend is playing the guitar every evening.
18.Maria wants to improve her English.
19.She does a language course in London at the moment.
20.She is living far from London and she must take the tube to get her language school.
21.It is only five minute walk to the nearest tube station.
22.The tube will live at half past eight.
23.The first lesson will begin at 9 o'clock.
24.In the afternoons ,the school will offer sightseeing tours in and around London.
25.Today the students of the language school will go to Windsor.