Across: 3) The branch of biology that studies plants and their structure. 6) The study of the structure of substances and the reactions when they are combined. 9) The science of stars and planets, and their movements. 11) The study of language. Down: 1) The branch of mathematics in which letters and symbols are used to represent quantities. 2) The study of numbers, measurements and shapes. 4) The general word for the science studying animals, plants and people. 5) The science of matter and energy such as heat, light, sound, etc. 7) The study of the Earth's surface, climate and peoples. 8) The study of the origin and history of rocks. 10) The science that studies the events and social processes of the past.
Я бы отправился в 71 год до нашей эры и хотел бы встретиться с лидером восстания рабов и гладиаторов в Италии-царем Спартаком
1) Страшно быть гладиатором?
2) Какого после стольких лет рабства чувствовать себя свободным человеком и вождем многотысячной армии ?
Почему ему?
Потому что он - Римский раб-Гладиатор, возглавивший восстание на территории нынешней Италии. Его армия, состоявшая из беглых гладиаторов и рабов, разгромила несколько римских легионов в ряде сражений. Эти события вошли в историю как Восстание Спартака, третье по величине восстание рабов в Риме после двух сицилийских восстаний.
На английском
I would travel to 71 BC and would like to meet the Leader of the slave and Gladiator revolt in Italy-king Spartacus.
1) Scary to be a Gladiator?
2) After so many years of slavery, how can you feel like a free man and the leader of an army of thousands ?
Why him?
Because he is a Roman Gladiator slave who led a revolt in what is now Italy. His army, consisting of escaped gladiators and slaves, defeated several Roman legions in a series of battles. These events went down in history as the Spartacus Revolt, the third largest slave revolt in Rome after the two Sicilian uprisings.
I want to tell you about my favorite school subject. This ...Lesson ...(tell me about the schedule, what days this lesson is) . This is one of the most important items for each person. This course examines ...In the classroom ...we are learning ...I like ...(tell what you like to do in this lesson, for example, if Russian language, to parse words and sentences in composition, sanwat about the origin of words in the Russian language, to build the individual words of a beautiful finished phrase) . I ...(e.g. writing essays). I can easily remember ...and ...(the rules, for example) . I with a passion ...(for example, select synonyms and atonomy to the words) . It teaches us ...(s) He is a great teacher. His (her) lessons like an interesting game. I'd like to give the job of increased complexity (not to write) . I used dobivatsya result and do not depart until they have performed the job properly. Our (a) teacher (nice), appreciates my abilities in the subject. Parents approve of my passion for this class, and proud of my accomplishments. I'm really interested in (and all in this spirit) ...(what do you object?) . I think that my future profession will be connected with it. I want to understand all the intricacies of this difficult subject. вот тебе списывай
На русском
Я бы отправился в 71 год до нашей эры и хотел бы встретиться с лидером восстания рабов и гладиаторов в Италии-царем Спартаком
1) Страшно быть гладиатором?
2) Какого после стольких лет рабства чувствовать себя свободным человеком и вождем многотысячной армии ?
Почему ему?
Потому что он - Римский раб-Гладиатор, возглавивший восстание на территории нынешней Италии. Его армия, состоявшая из беглых гладиаторов и рабов, разгромила несколько римских легионов в ряде сражений. Эти события вошли в историю как Восстание Спартака, третье по величине восстание рабов в Риме после двух сицилийских восстаний.
На английском
I would travel to 71 BC and would like to meet the Leader of the slave and Gladiator revolt in Italy-king Spartacus.
1) Scary to be a Gladiator?
2) After so many years of slavery, how can you feel like a free man and the leader of an army of thousands ?
Why him?
Because he is a Roman Gladiator slave who led a revolt in what is now Italy. His army, consisting of escaped gladiators and slaves, defeated several Roman legions in a series of battles. These events went down in history as the Spartacus Revolt, the third largest slave revolt in Rome after the two Sicilian uprisings.